What is the Workbox?

This is my stash of to-be and on-the-go projects, UFO's, magazines, books, wish-lists, ramblings, favourite links, and even (ha ha) completed projects.

There are also three sister sites at The Workbox Library (stitching-related magazines, books, etc.), The Workbox Cupboard (the contents of my personal stash), and The Workbox Lighthouse (since my blog reading list has expanded exponetially... ;-) , as well as an index of my blogs (with brief descriptions) at CamBlogs.

If you have any comments, suggestions, complaints, queries, etc., feel free to drop me a line!

And now I have to walk the dog and go to work...unfortunately (sigh) ;-)


Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Pillow (WIP)

Completed a second round of 16 rows - the design is starting to come out, but I think my tension is too loose (it's usually too tight!) (shrug)

I was wondering if I could make it into a back for a cross stitch cushion - though I'm not quite sure how that would fit together - would I need material for the outside edges, or should I be able to lash them together? Anyways, it's still in progress...

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